As Official Veterinarians (OV’s) registered with the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) we are able to provide a range of services to help horse owners and professionals with the export of horses, equine semen and embryos. Following our exit from the EU, please ensure that you book your export appointment with us well in advance of the date of export to allow appropriate testing to take place.
Updated rules from 1st January 2021:
Prior to export of horses to the EU or Norther Ireland, you must get your equines tested to prove they’re free of certain diseases. You need tests for:
We are able to provide veterinary examinations for the certification of stallions prior to grading and licensing (Stallion vettings).
Our vets are on the RCVS/BVA Inspectorate as official Veterinary Inspectors and are therefore able to carry out the Riding Establishment Inspections required by all riding establishments under the 1964 Riding Establishmens Act.