Getting an accurate weight for your horse is very important, especially for dosing with wormers and other medications, or as part of a controlled weight-loss or weight-gain programme for conditions such as equine metabolic syndrome, laminitis, or following illness. An accurate weight for our patients at the clinic is also important for the accurate dosing of sedatives, anaesthetic agents and other important treatments. Horse and pony weigh-tapes can be quite inaccurate, especially in young horses or with some unusual breeds.
Paton and Lee accurately weigh all of our inpatients when they are admitted to our clinic using a state-of-the-art equine weighbridge. The weighbridge is also available for all of our registered clients to use at the clinic by appointment. A small sum of just £5 per horse is charged for the use of the weight bridge and our nursing team is always happy to assist you with a weigh-in.
We recommend weighing your horse once per year , or more regularly if you are following a specific weight-loss of weight-gain programme. Following a weigh-in our vets are always available by telephone or email to provide independent advice about your horse’s health and discuss any concerns you may have.