Paton and Lee has long been established as a British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) approved Artificial Insemination (AI) centre. We have years of experience getting mares in foal using fresh, frozen and chilled semen. We are able to store frozen semen over the long-term at the practice ready for use. We can treat mares at your yard or at the practice on specially reduced stud-livery rates, and to keep pricing simple we offer AI packages that are fixed per cycle.We are able to treat problem mares and perform infetility tests on barren mares when required. At the practice we have a purpose built examination room for breeding work which includes stocks that are adaptable to all sizes of mare, from shetlands up to Suffolk punches.
When it comes to foaling your mare down, we also have a wealth of experience. At the practice we have two specialised mare and foal boxes with heat lamps and fluid giving facilities, so that sick mares or foals can be given intensive care. We are able to perform IgG blood tests on day-old foals at our practice laboratory and perform plasma transfusions on site.
To download a copy of our latest AI brochure CLICK HERE.
We strongly recommend that all mare owners adhere to the Horse Race Betting Levy Board’s (HBLB) Codes of Practice for breeding which can be found on their website HERE.
Please note that we do not provide credit facilities to clients having elective breeding work performed – all breeding work must be paid for at the time that it is carried out.