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Lameness Investigations

Lameness investigations

From pus-in-foot to complex performance limiting lameness issues, you can get a comprehensive lameness investigation performed with Paton and Lee. We recognise the vital importance of reaching an accurate diagnosis in all cases before leaping into treatment. Most of our lameness investigations will begin with a thorough examination at your yard, including careful palption of limbs, neck, back and pelvis. If your facilities permit, we may be able to begin localising the source of a lameness without the need to admit your horse to the practice. A flat and firm trot-up area and the ability to lunge your horse is essential in almost all cases.

After the initially examination, unless the source of lameness has been located, we may have to perform nerve blocks to localise the pain. Again, where the facilities are suitable, we are happy to perform nerve blocks out on site. With our portable ultrasound and x-ray machines we may also be able to reach a definitive diagnosis and carry out any treatment required at your yard.
Sometimes lamenesses issues can be complicated, or involve multiple sources of pain. In these cases, admission to our Hoo Hall clinic may be required. We have specialised lameness work-up facilities, including large flat tarmac trot-up areas and a manege for lunging and ridden examinations. Complex lameness investigations take time, dedication and a thorough, logical approach. Admitting such cases to our clinic ensures that we have the time and facilities needed to provide you with an accurate diagnosis – and without an accurate diagnosis the chance of successful treatment is significantly reduced.
Occasionally we will not be able to reach a diagnosis for your horse without the advanced imaging techniques of MRI or Scintigraphy (bone scans) provided at large specialist equine hospitals. At Paton and Lee we recognise that we are general equine practitioners, not specialist orthopaedic surgeons. If we are not capable of performing the tests your horse requires, we will not hesitate to offer referral. We have an excellent and ethical relationship with all of the major referral centres in the area and our priority is always your horse’s care.

Here is a short video about the challenges that seemingly simple cases such as pus in the foot can pose.